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CST 370 Week 7 Journal Entry

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CST 370 Week 5 Journal

 This week we learned a great deal of new concepts. The first was how to utilize the quick sort algorithm and how it is based on the divide and conquer technique. This technique aims to break a problem into smaller and smaller parts until the problem is easily solvable, and then the solution is applied to essential conquer a big problem by breaking it apart. We also learned more about binary tree traversal and the different methods for moving through binary trees. We also learned about the concept of tree height calculation which is a good indicator of the worst case scenario in tree traversal. One of the big take aways from this week was learning about Kahn's algorithm and how it is useful for topologically sorting data. A lot of great concepts this week that I will have to revisit before the final.

CST 370 Week 4 Journal

 This week primarily consisted of the Mid term which encompassed the first three weeks of learning. So far, this class has been challenging, but I am beginning to grasp some of the main concepts. I find that doing a daily review of the materials I have learned helps me to feel a little more confident that I understand. I feel that the main ideas have been computing the time complexity of the algorithm and getting familiar with some established algorithms for solving common problems. I will continue to study the new material and review previous materials to continue to improve.

CST 370 Week 3 Journal

 This week explored algorithms including the brute force method by performing an exhaustive search. We also learned about two primary strategies to transverse a graph. These two methods were depth first search and breadth first search. Of the two I am more comfortable with the depth first search. I find it somewhat more simple to code an algorithm that performs a depth first search. When coding for the breadth first search I found I had to keep track of the queue and in the homework I had to keep track of what permutation produced the optimal path. I also learned about the divide and conquer strategy and how to use the master theorem to calculate time complexity. We will also have our midterm this week so I will need to review and solidify my understanding of the concepts presented in these first three weeks.

CST 370 Week 2 Journal Entry

This week I learned more about asymptotic notations. I had previously only heard of Big Oh notation, and it was interesting to know that there were two other notations, namely Big Theta and Big Omega. I feel like I have some understanding of how these notations are used to describe an algorithm's efficiency, but I know I will need to review and use these concepts to really cement them into memory.  I also learned how to analyze an algorithm's efficiency for recursive and non-recursive algorithms. For the non-recursive algorithms the process is relatively straightforward. For recursive algorithms, I learned about a process called the "backward substitution" method. I did struggle with this concept and feel that I need to review it in the coming weeks to ensure I understand the material. Overall, I would say this week introduced several challenging topics that I will need to study and review.

CST 370 Week 1 Journal Entry

 This week marked the start of a new class in my CSUMB journey. The class is CST 370 Design and Analysis of Algorithms. The first week got us introduced to the definition of an algorithm and how we use algorithms to solve problems. I do feel that the material is more challenging than some of the other classes I have previously taken and so intend to spend more time learning the concepts in this class. One of the aspects I found interesting in this class is the inclusion of a few puzzles that involved determining an algorithm that solves the given problem. I enjoy trying to solve them because they are like brain teasers that force me to think of all the possible outcomes. It can be frustrating at times, but it is also very satisfying if I am able to solve them. I will continue working and reviewing the concepts presented this week as they are the foundation for future class concepts.

CST 311 Week 8 Journal Entry

 This week, I explored the basics of operational security implementation. The focus was on firewalls and intrusion detection systems (IDS). I learned how firewalls are the first line of defense, filtering traffic based on predefined rules. IDS systems monitors network activity for signs of malicious behavior, adding an additional layer of protection. Understanding the role of these tools is critical for securing network infrastructures.  We also completed our final team programming assignment which was to develop TLS-enabled servers on a Mininet network. This involved setting up a Mininet network and modifying a provided Python starter file. The main task of the assignment was to implement a group chat feature on top of the simple chat we created in the team programming assignment three. We also implemented the certificate authority (CA) to enable secure communication between the server and clients.