This week explored algorithms including the brute force method by performing an exhaustive search. We also learned about two primary strategies to transverse a graph. These two methods were depth first search and breadth first search. Of the two I am more comfortable with the depth first search. I find it somewhat more simple to code an algorithm that performs a depth first search. When coding for the breadth first search I found I had to keep track of the queue and in the homework I had to keep track of what permutation produced the optimal path. I also learned about the divide and conquer strategy and how to use the master theorem to calculate time complexity. We will also have our midterm this week so I will need to review and solidify my understanding of the concepts presented in these first three weeks.
This week we learned how to implement a different type of database using MongoDB. For our group project this week we changes the SQL code to MongoDB code. Both of these database applications do a fine job of working with data and saving it to a database. I did find that MongoDB seemed more streamlined than working with SQL. With SQL there seemed to be more setup as in creating prepared statements, and then executing queries. With MongoDB it seemed like a good chunk of the code was abstracted away and this made for cleaner looking code at the call site. If I had to choose I would likely go with MongoDB as it seemed more approachable.
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