This week we learned a great deal of new concepts. The first was how to utilize the quick sort algorithm and how it is based on the divide and conquer technique. This technique aims to break a problem into smaller and smaller parts until the problem is easily solvable, and then the solution is applied to essential conquer a big problem by breaking it apart. We also learned more about binary tree traversal and the different methods for moving through binary trees. We also learned about the concept of tree height calculation which is a good indicator of the worst case scenario in tree traversal. One of the big take aways from this week was learning about Kahn's algorithm and how it is useful for topologically sorting data. A lot of great concepts this week that I will have to revisit before the final.
This week we learned how to implement a different type of database using MongoDB. For our group project this week we changes the SQL code to MongoDB code. Both of these database applications do a fine job of working with data and saving it to a database. I did find that MongoDB seemed more streamlined than working with SQL. With SQL there seemed to be more setup as in creating prepared statements, and then executing queries. With MongoDB it seemed like a good chunk of the code was abstracted away and this made for cleaner looking code at the call site. If I had to choose I would likely go with MongoDB as it seemed more approachable.
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