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CST 338 Week 07/08 Learning Journal

 CST 338 Week 007/08 Learning Journal

The Jotto assignment was one of the more challenging assignments for this class. I was unable to implement all of the required functionality and get the app working properly. I think if I were to go back and try to rewrite the program I would do a better job at it, partly because I have learned a lot more about Java programing through this course and also because I am more familiar with how Jotto is supposed to function. Before the Jotto assignment I had actually not heard of the Wordle game upon which it is based. I have since been pretty consistent with playing the Wordle game daily and it is quite entertaining. I think this would help me because playing Wordle has given me a clearer idea of what the Jotto assignment was trying to achieve.

This class has helped me improve greatly in my Java programming and I learned many things. Two victories that I am proud of is how to build abstract classes and how to build android apps. The LDPM project was one that I really enjoyed and helped me understand how to implement abstract classes. It also helped that I understood who the Fire Lizard and Weird Turtle were in reference to. I am also really proud of the things I learned about programming an android app. It was challenging but at the same time very gratifying to program actions that are tied to buttons and learn how to create a local database on the device. I still have a great deal to learn regarding Java programming and Android development but this class has definitely set me on the right path to continue my journey.


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