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Week 11 Learning Journal

 Wk03 Learning Journal: Jotto Code Review

For my code review I received feedback from Brandon Hoppens and Maria Imperatrice. The feedback I received consisted of identifying some areas for improvement for my code and some areas where my logic was off. 

I found the code review very helpful and it was refreshing to have another set of eyes go through my code and identify where I may have made some mistakes. If I had to rewrite the code I would incorporate many of the comments and feedback provided. Both Brandon and Maria provided me with additional insight to how to write the code and suggestions on what parts to change to get the program to execute correctly. I had also neglected to fully document my code with Java style comments. In the future I will be more thorough with my comments and make sure that all methods are properly explained.

For me I struggled with getLetterCount, showPlayerGuess and pickWord unit tests. I was unable to get these unit tests to pass. On reflection I think I need to review the unit tests more closely and attempt to practice more test driven development. I feel like if I spend a little more time understanding the tests I will be able to write the appropriate code. 

Overall it was a good learning experience and getting the insight from my group members helped me identify areas for improvement. It is also interesting to see how other people approach the problem, especially because we were all given the same prompt. There were noticeable variations in our code implementations and seeing other solutions helped me understand that there are many different ways to get to the same solution.


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