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Week 5 Learning Journal

Part One:  Supporting and Commenting on Teammate's Goals

I visited the following teammate's blogs and commented on their goals.

Juan's Blog

Vance's Blog

Part Two: Possible Capstone Ideas

The three ideas I have for my capstone project are two different mobile apps and one indie game. For the two apps I am thinking of creating something in Swift, the programming language of iOS. The first app is a passion project that involves a list builder for a miniature tabletop game called OnePageRules. It is an independent miniature game ruleset and already has a web version. My app would take that template and adapt it for iOS.

The second app would be a simple star wars app that utilizes an online API for Star Wars call SWAPI. This API has a number of entries related to the Star Wars universe in JSON format. My app would connect to this online API, download specific pieces of data and display them in the app. 

The third idea would be to create a simple side scroller game. The game engine I would use to build it is GameMaker Studio, a popular game engine for creating 2d games. I will still have to work out the game mechanics and build something that is unique. I will continue to explore this idea and see if it bears fruit.

Part Three: Weekly activities Reflections

This week I learned about managing conflict from the OLI Modules. I learned that there are different methods for managing conflict and that each strategy has its uses depending on the situation. There was also some discussion about graduate school and internships. I think for myself I would like to get a job right after graduation. If I can get a fully paid position that would be ideal, however I am willing to take an internship as it will help me get experience in the professional environment. I am also considering graduate school as I do have a desire to obtain a master's degree. This would likely be something I pursue online, much like the CSUMB Online Computer Science Program I am currently in. Overall, I will not rule out any options (grad school, internships, fully paid position) as I think keeping an open mind and pursuing all opportunities gives me the best chance of success.


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