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Week 3 Learning Journal Post

 Part 1

From my previous post I need to improve on making every hour count. After reviewing the website I learned some good strategies on the Time Management page. I have started to really lean on making a weekly schedule and allocate my time for the week. I like to be able to visually see my schedule in google calendar and this helps me stay on track to prioritize my work. Having the schedule also helps me to have a reason to say no to unnecessary activities. I find that I have a reason to say no, such as I unable to attend because that time has already been allocated for studying. I do leave some room for flexibility however, because the plan is for the week I find that I sometimes need to make adjustments to fit unforeseen events into the schedule. I try to focus on consistency and not perfection.

Part 2

This week we learned a great deal about ethics. What I found most helpful was the ethics frameworks. I can understand ethics in general terms, but having the frameworks really helped me understand how to define specific ethical ideas. I find that I am able to better articulate why I think something is ethical when I categorize it into one of the frameworks. I can use care ethics to explain why people believe it is right for them to prioritize their own family members over strangers. The ethical frameworks will be incredibly useful as we start to write our Ethics Arguments papers in CST300.

Part 3

This week we also read an article about what every Computer Scientist needs to know. I will say it was a large amount of knowledge. I can understand why the topics are important. For myself, I had considered knowing how to code as the only thing Computer Science major's needed to know. However, this article highlights how being a Computer Science major is more than just being a coder. Coding is the action but it is supported by the knowledge gained thorough studying additional topics such as Mathematics and even effective communication. I intend to use this article as a guiding document of sorts to point me to areas where I can continue my learning and what areas I can consider when trying to improve in my career. 

Part 4

During this module we also reviewed the CSUMB CS Online Code of Integrity document. It contained guidance for integrity while working through the CSUMB CS Online Program. I think it is important to maintain integrity while completing the CSUMB CS Online program because it is the right thing to do, but also because the most benefit will be gained by completing the work on my own. I also think that earning it while maintaining my integrity will reflect better on myself, the CSUMB CS Online Program and my friends and family. 


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