Initial Commit.
In this weeks module, we learned about many of the challenges and expectations of being in an online learning environment. I know the program provides great flexibility but at the same time requires a great deal of commitment to complete. I am excited to be in the program and look forward to completing it in two years time. As long as I follow the guidelines presented in the lecture material (schedule study time, log in to the class consistently, start early, etc.) I will be able to succeed in this online program.
I also learned a bit about the history of CSUMB and how the CSUMB online program is structured. I like the way we will be able to take one class at a time for most semesters so that the work load is not overwhelming. Many of my classmates situation is similar to mine where we are working full time jobs while attending school. I am thankful that the CSUMB Online Computer Science degree program lets me still have time to meet my family commitments.
This week we also started working in Open Learning Initiative (OLI) to learn about group work. In the first module I was introduced to a team that was trying to build a booth for a festival. There were several group members and each had a different approach to group work. The initial meeting did not seem to go very well and the different personalities were clashing with each other. I was able to identify some of the behaviors that led to poor team dynamics, but I know after working through the other OLI modules I will be able to better identify the poor behaviors and find solutions to remedy them.
My plan for this upcoming week is to finish my Module 1 work, especially the industry outline assignment and start work on Module 2. I also want to work on my iOS tutorials in the background and make sure to commit my progress to Github.
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