In this week's module I learned about our work styles. For my own work style I lean towards being a "Get Along" or people oriented work style. I strongly desire for everyone in the group to get along and work together. I will also let others make decisions in the group and tend to follow the group decision even at the expense of my own personal opinion. I also learned about conflict and the different conflict styles. One thing I found particular interesting was the conflict spectrum. I was to place myself somewhere on the spectrum between conflict is negative and conflict is positive. On reflection I found myself leaning more towards conflict being positive. Even though I would like to avoid conflict, I do understand that it can be necessary to ensure that the best decisions are made. Everyone has a different perspective and brings those differences to the table. So although my work style was "Get Along", I also am okay with conflicts in the group if they are leading to better decisions.
This week we learned how to implement a different type of database using MongoDB. For our group project this week we changes the SQL code to MongoDB code. Both of these database applications do a fine job of working with data and saving it to a database. I did find that MongoDB seemed more streamlined than working with SQL. With SQL there seemed to be more setup as in creating prepared statements, and then executing queries. With MongoDB it seemed like a good chunk of the code was abstracted away and this made for cleaner looking code at the call site. If I had to choose I would likely go with MongoDB as it seemed more approachable.
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